Friday, January 20, 2017

Tuck Everlasting Vocabulary

Chapters 1-8

axis: a straight line around which something rotates
contemplation: the process of thinking something through
disheartened: discouraged
implore: to beg
primly: stiffly, daintily
recede: to move backward or withdraw
rueful: sad
venture: a bold or risky act

Chapters 9-20

anguish: extreme pain or sorrow
fragrant: sweet smelling
helter-skelter: without order or messy
immense: very large
melancholy: depressed
pickle: a difficult situation
rave: to talk wildly
teeming: filled to overflowing

Chapters 21-26

accomplice: assistant to a crime
arc: curved path
ebb: decrease in force or in level
impulse: sudden act
indefinitely: for an unlimited time
ponderous: of great weight
pry: to pull up using a lever
profoundly: deeply
soothing: to comfort

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