Monday, December 3, 2012

Main Idea and Supporting Details

Finding the main idea can seem like a daunting task at times.  Watch this Brain Pop video (click on the link below) and try the activites that go along with the video.  You'll be glad you did, and will feel better prepared for your test over this skill.

1 comment:

  1. I like mrs.klumpers's blog!!!!!!! I teaches you a lot of things about what were learning in class. This is Natalie Brekhus in mr.sroh's class.It is fun and exciting!!!!Think about how long mrs.klumper worked on this.Thankyou mrs.klumper for posting this blog!!!!!You spend all your time on us,when could be doing something fun.Like you coud be going out to dinner or going somwhere with your kids.thankyou very much!!!!



The Underground Railroad QUIZ: Write your name and answers on the lined paper provided by Mrs. Klumper. 1. The Underground Ra...