Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sweet Music in Harlem

Hi Students!

This week we are going to read a story titled, Sweet Music in Harlem, which is a story that takes place in the 1950's in a New York neighborhood called Harlem.

VOCABULARY for Sweet Music in Harlem:
forgetful: apt to forget
bass: the lowest voice in or largest and lowest sounding instrument
nighttime: the time between evening and morning
clarinet: a woodwind instrument
fidgety: restless, uneasy
secondhand: not new; used by someone else
jammed: made music with other musicians without practicing together

Harlem is a well known neighborhood in New York long known for its jazz clubs, soul food and African-American heritage.

I think you will enjoy the story about young CJ and his Uncle Click. Grab a 5.2 Reading Street book and read the story to yourself.  Enjoy the art.  The illustrator is an amazing artist and a well known one.  You can read about him at the end of the story where you will also find his photo.  I really enjoyed his illustrations and thought they added so much to the mood of the story.  Take time to look at the illustrations.  That's why he painted them.  For you!

After you read Sweet Music in Harlem, I'd like you to click on the link below and listen to a similar story.  I like this one a lot and think the two stories are similar in a lot of ways.  They both seems to have the same theme.  Listen and decide for yourself. The story is called Rent Party Jazz.

I also want you to know that I did a little research at home tonight and discovered that Rent parties were common!  Isn't that awesome?  The rent parties were a real thing that people did especially in Harlem.  I think it was an awesome idea.  It also gave young musicians, like Louis Armstong, a chance to get some experience playing in front of an audience.  If you don't know who Louis Armstrong is, you better youtube him later when you get home.

Here's the link.

After the story, I'd like you to log onto Google Classroom and answer some questions, please.  I will give you some feedback on your answers. I am at home with Hazer Dazer today because she got pretty sick this weekend.  Just in case you are wondering. : )

So, read Sweet Music in Harlem.  Then click on the link to listen to Rent Party Jazz.  Then go to Google Classroom for some questions to respond to.  Thanks for being awesome today.  I know you will treat the substitute with respect and kindness because you are cool kids like that.

See you soon!

-Mrs. Klumper

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